Dista Orchestrates Retail Cash Management for Cash Logistics Leader

Value Delivered

cash logistics workflow
security for cash movement
resource planning and allocation


The customer is India’s leading cash management and payment solutions company. They offer services like retail cash management, daily cash pick-up and delivery for retailers and merchants, depositing collected cash in the bank, ATM cash management, and more.


  • The company was looking for a system to orchestrate end-to-end cash movement – pick-up from retailers to depositing it in the bank.

  • Loss of productivity owing to manual job assignment of custodians.

  • Poor visibility of cash operations with high-security concerns.

  • Inefficient utilization of resources resulting in higher costs.


1. Auto Job Allocation

The Dista system auto-allocated jobs to the right custodians based on several parameters like pin-code clusters, availability, capacity, and proximity. It also rescheduled incomplete jobs and improved job actioning.

2. Resource Planning

Dista’s territory management software improved resource planning based on serviceable areas. The system recommended resource allocation based on the density of customers in each cluster. This ensured optimum utilization of resources and improved coverage in different territories.

3. Empowered Field Custodians

The dedicated app for field custodians helped them plan their day, get details about assigned jobs, find nearby deposit points/banks, and more. It enabled them to update cash pick-up status on the go.

4. Improved Security

Two-way OTP-based handshake between retailers and field custodians improved security. End-to-end traceability of cash movement reduced anxiety and helped with records.

5. Real-time Visibility

Our system offered a central dashboard that enabled managers to get real-time visibility on field custodians, job status, and progress.


  • Improved transparency of cash logistics operations.

  • Higher productivity of field custodians with more jobs per day.

  • Paperless cash logistics with a detailed audit trail and history.

  • Improved daily collection and reconciliation reports.
See How Enterprises Leverage Location Intelligence with Dista
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ICICI Home Finance

“Dista Service helped us with field investigation of our prospects as well as loan servicing for customers. Over 10K users are using the app to get real-time updates on their loan status, raise queries, respond to queries and more.”

Sandeep Gambhir

Sandeep Gambhir

Head - Digitalisation & Marketing, ICICI Home Finance


“With Dista’s AI-enabled location intelligence platform, CMS provided seamless, faster, safer, and hassle-free doorstep cash transportation service. There was an increase in agent productivity while a reduction in cash movement overheads with the right-sizing of custodians and vans.”

Rohit Kilam

Rohit Kilam

CTO, CMS Info Systems