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Territory Management

Design, Manage, and Scale Territories to Boost Business

Unlock Sales Efficiency with Effective Territory Planning

Improve Territory Planning and Management

With Dista’s geospatial analytics software, businesses can perform service and sales territory planning to optimize operational costs, enhance resource efficiency and utilization, and boost customer coverage.

Identify Coverage Gaps

Leverage spatial analytics for better map-based visualization of territories to identify gaps, minimize cannibalization and business opportunities.

Data-driven Insights

Get valuable insights into territory performance. Access deeper insight over time as you capture more data.

Sales Coverage Optimization

Map and assign sales reps to territories by area and zipcode to balance the workload, optimize coverage and drive maximum sales performance.

Optimize Sales Territory Planning and Operations Management with Geospatial Analysis Software
[Case Study] Consumer Packaged Goods Major Improves Sales Territory Planning with Dista Insight

Win Territories. Expand Sales Coverage.

Elevate Sales Performance with Effective Territory Management

Smarter Decisions to Drive Growth

Dista’s territory management software offers AI/ML-based algorithmic analysis to uncover meaningful trends and deliver incisive insights to make smarter decisions.

Data visualization

Our system offers map-based visualization of territory performance by revenue, sales agent coverage, etc. Leverage our patent-pending algorithm to ingest, analyze, and visualize data related to your customer locations, sales territories, agent mapping, POI data, and other factors.

Resource Planning

Get a bird’s eye view of your field force and business territories. Balance territory and streamline resource planning, avoid over and under utilization of agents. Increase market coverage and design clusters by combining areas based on multiple parameters like sales revenue, proximity, location, and more.

Uncover Trends and Patterns with Actionable Inights for Growth by Leveraging Spatial Analytics Tool
[Case Study] Global Pizza Chain Leverages Dista Insight and Dista Deliver for Market Expansion and Delivery in India

Get More Out of Dista

How Dista Helps With Effective Territory Planning

How Dista Helps With Effective Territory Planning

Sales Territory Planning & Management: Step-by-Step Guide, Tools, Importance, and More

How Dista Helps With Territory and Operations Management

Feature Overview: Positive and Negative Areas

Feature Overview: Positive and Negative Areas


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Dista provides spatial analytics and map-based visualization of territories. You can identify coverage gaps, minimize cannibalization, and identify untapped business opportunities. This improves the distribution of sales reps and resources.

Dista’s software maps and assigns sales reps to territories based on area and zip code to equitably distribute the workload. Businesses are better positioned to identify under-served areas and relocate resources to optimize sales coverage.

Our territory management software leverages AI/ML-based algorithms to analyze geospatial data and uncover meaningful trends and patterns to provide actionable insights. This helps businesses identify underserved areas and tweak their strategies for better targeting.

Map-based visualization enables businesses to ingest and analyze critical data such as sales rep coverage, leads, customers, etc. This empowers leaders to measure territory performance and optimize resource planning and sales coverage.

Territory management software analyzes location data and customer demographics to provide geospatial insights on sales territory performance. This allows you to optimize sales coverage, boost field sales productivity, and drive business expansion.