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Address Geocoding

Standardize, Cleanse, and Verify Addresses

Transform Unstructured Geographical Data into Location Intelligence

Intelligent Address Geocoding With Seamless Data Cleansing

Leverage Dista’s address geocoding solution to enable deliveries, service requests actioning, or simply maintaining data in your CRM.

Eliminate Invalid Data

Remove inconsistent addresses, unwanted geographical data points, and incorrect spellings to improve data accuracy.

Facilitate Reverse Geocoding

Convert geo-coordinates(lat/long) into readable addresses. Classify zipcodes with accuracy by street name, town, city, district, state and country.

Save Hours and Improve Productivity

Leverage AI to convert text addresses to spatial database. Improve productivity by saving hours looking through text addresses.

Improve Strategic Decisions

Take the output of multiple mapping providers to calculate the final confidence level and decide on valid/invalid/ambiguous addresses. These scores form a critical base for intelligence.

Confidence Scores

Dista's 'Confidence Score' determines accuracy level of the cleansed address data and structures it accordingly. Categorize addresses based on location or other business needs.

Address Verification Solution Improves Data Cleansing
[Case Study] An NBFC Major Verifies Addresses and Pin Codes for Delinquent Customers With Dista


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Address geocoding improves location accuracy by converting textual addresses into geographic coordinates. It removes inconsistent addresses, unwanted geographical data points, and incorrect spellings, enhancing data accuracy and ensuring reliable information for operational use.

Reverse geocoding converts geo-coordinates (latitude/longitude) into readable addresses, enabling you to classify zip codes accurately by street name, town, city, district, state, and country.

Dista’s AI/ML-powered platform automates the conversion of text addresses into a spatial database, saving time and avoiding manual processing of address data. This boosts productivity and saves time in scheduling and route optimization for field sales teams, resulting in higher lead conversions. Furthermore, it seamlessly enhances last-mile delivery efficiency with precise delivery schedules and routes.

Dista’s geocoding software combines the output of multiple mapping providers to calculate a confidence level for addresses, helping businesses decide on the validity of addresses for operational purposes. This data forms a critical basis for making informed strategic decisions.

Dista’s ‘Confidence Score’ categorizes cleansed address data based on accuracy levels, providing businesses with structured and reliable information. This categorization helps meet operational needs and ensure data integrity for various business operations.