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Top 5 Sales Territory Mapping Software for 2024

According to a recent survey, efficient territory design results in a 30% increase in sales performance. Sales territory planning and management empower business leaders to devise strategies that boost outside field teams’ efficiency, target the right customers, and increase sales coverage. However, having the right tools and insights is essential to execute a sales plan and achieve this efficiency.

A feature-rich sales territory mapping software divides sales areas by analyzing customer locations, key demographics, and sales potential. It provides a holistic map-based view of territory performance highlighting key sales data.

Mapping sales territories helps optimize costs, utilize resources effectively, and increase customer coverage. Using the sales territory mapping software, businesses can identify most profitable areas and shift focus, time, and efforts into capitalizing on these opportunities.

Key Applications of Sales Territory Mapping Software

  • Structure large geographic regions into manageable sales areas
  • Assign outside sales representatives to specific territories
  • Identify trends, opportunities, and potential challenges within territories
  • Foster stronger connections between sales reps and customers
  • Gain valuable insights into sales performance metrics

3 Reasons to Leverage Sales Territory Mapping Software

Business leaders should consider using the software to optimize sales territory planning for the following reasons.

1. Improve Decision Making

The software offers actionable insights through data visualization and spatial analysis, enabling businesses to improve decision-making.

2. Apply Geospatial Analysis

Businesses can overlay sales data over geographic information to improve data visualization. It maps population density, competitor locations, etc to gain a better understanding of the sales territory.

3. Enhance Customer Coverage

Businesses can improve coverage by assigning sales reps to specific territories targeting the right customers.

3 Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Software

The features of sales territory mapping software can empower businesses to better visualize, strategize, and operationalize outside sales.

Visualize, Strategize, and Operationalize

1. Visualize

The software should analyze disparate data and provide spatial context by visually representing customer locations, points of interest, and competition. This improves visibility into sales territories, reps’ activities, and sales targets to achieve in a particular region. Leveraging the insights, business leaders can divide territories by sales revenue, rep coverage, and prospects.

2. Strategize

A robust territory mapping software should quickly identify coverage gaps and highlight new opportunities for business expansion. Businesses can map and assign reps to specific territories using geospatial data-driven insights to balance the workload. Revisit market expansion strategies by analyzing customer behavior patterns and existing competition in a territory.

3. Operationalize

Sales leaders should be able to create an intelligent beat plan to optimize sales visits within the territory, prioritize high-growth prospects, and avoid rep overlap. Combine and sequence sales visits considering sales reps and prospects in a territory to reduce travel time and costs. Optimize resource allocation to prevent under or over-utilization of sales reps.

Businesses can leverage Dista’s unique VSO framework with location intelligence at its core to analyze market coverage, boost rep productivity, and enhance market opportunities to drive their top line.

Top 5 Sales Territory Mapping Software for 2024

1. EasyTerritory

EasyTerritory facilitates seamless business expansion by enabling businesses to create and adjust sales territories. The software provides interactive maps using geographic data like postal codes and county boundaries to define territories. It imports data points from third-party programs to improve sales territory mapping.

2. Badger Maps

Badger Maps integrates customer data into a visually appealing map to segment customers based on various criteria, optimize routes, and seamlessly export data to desktop or mobile devices. Overall, Badger Maps streamlines sales territory management.

3. Spotio

Spotio provides custom territory mapping solutions to organize and divide territories. To improve sales coverage, define and assign territories by zip, county, and state codes. Get map-based visualization of lead and customer data with options for customization.

4. Maptive

Maptive’s software for territory mapping enables users to establish geographic boundaries by configuring multiple variables. After setting up your boundaries, you can incorporate demographic information like age, education, income, transportation, employment, gender, and additional metrics.

5. Dista

Dista’s low code/no code platform leverages the power of location intelligence to optimize sales territory mapping. Businesses can design, manage, and scale territories to unlock sales efficiency, boost customer coverage, and enhance resource planning and utilization. The territory mapping software creates a map-based visualization of existing sales areas segmented by revenue, sales rep distribution, etc. It helps identify coverage gaps and new business opportunities with detailed mapping insights. The software improves sales workload balancing by mapping the number of reps to a defined territory to optimize sales visits.

Effective Territory Planning

Final Thoughts

Sales territory mapping software leverages the power of data visualization, strategic planning, and resource optimization to empower sales teams and boost sales productivity. Businesses can target, enhance customer engagement, and drive revenue. Selecting the right software paves the way for success in the ever-evolving field of sales management.

If you are also looking for robust territory management, check out Dista’s territory management software that leverages geospatial data combined with AI/ML-based algorithmic analysis to uncover meaningful trends and optimize territory management.

Book a free demo today!